Engel Machinery Inc.
Micro-injection unit
Liquid Silicone Rubber Molding

Injection unit adapts Engel presses for LSR micromolding

Sept. 25, 2020
The micro-injection unit, which features a quick coupling system, is available with new Engel machines or as a retrofit for existing presses.
Ewikon Molding Technologies Inc.
A closeup of the Coolshot nozzle and tip
Liquid Silicone Rubber Molding

Ewikon taps hot-runner technology for its Coolshot LSR system

April 12, 2019
Much of the technology behind Ewikon’s new Coolshot electric valve-gate cold-runner system for liquid silicone rubber (LSR) has been adapted from the company’s electric hot-runner...
Wittmann Battenfeld Inc.
Fakuma 2018 Lsr Prod Cell
Injection Molding

Redesigned LSR machines gain features

April 4, 2019
Wittmann Battenfeld has upgraded the liquid-silicone-rubber processing technology for its SmartPower, MicroPower, EcoPower, vertical and multicomponent injection molding machines...