Meltio named potential strategic partner for U.S. Defense Dept.

July 6, 2023
The additive manufacturing company's technology is already in use aboard the USS Bataan.

The U.S. Department of Defense has recognized Linares, Spain-based metal 3D printer manufacturer Meltio as a “strategic technology partner” for current and future development plans for the military and security field. Meltio is the first Spanish company to receive this award in the field of additive manufacturing. 

Meltio, together with its U.S. distributor Phillips Corp., received fifth place in the U.S. Army’s xTechInternational Advanced Manufacturing and Materials program, in which businesses compete for cash prizes and potential follow-on contracts. More than 300 technology companies participated. 

“The award we have received is a recognition to Meltio's professionals,” said Ángel Llavero López de Villalta, Meltio’s CEO. “Our technology has the potential to transform different sectors thanks to metal additive manufacturing such as supply chains, logistics, repair and manufacturing of metal parts compared to other conventional techniques such as forging and machining. There are currently many armies in other countries that have Meltio's metal additive manufacturing technology and we want to stand out as a strategic and technological partner for the military sector, also in Spain.” 

Meltio’s technology that is already being used by the U.S. Navy in a hybrid system located in a milling machine aboard the USS Bataan that allows the ship’s sailors to make parts while the ship is at sea.