The Plastics Machinery Magazine team includes, clockwise from top left: Tony Eagan, Ron Shinn, Jeff Williams, T. Peter Sullivan, J.A. Lewellen, Gary Lindenberger, Glenn Glasberg, Mark Malloy, Marvin Brown, Angie DeRosa, Lisa Sarkis and James Parada (not pictured). Credit: Lauren Rafferty
Column as it appeared in the November 2014 issue.
WELCOME TO PLASTICS MACHINERY Magazine! We're glad you're here.
This inaugural issue of PMM is an exciting new venture for us and hopefully for you as readers and advertisers. We'll publish monthly starting in January and we're going to focus solely on one critical component of the plastics industry- innovations for processing and tooling technology. We'll cover the equipment and machinery that can improve your plant's efficiencies and save you money!
Here's a taste of what you'll find on the following pages. Product Innovations, starting on Page 39, will be a core feature in PMM. We've broken them down into sections of primary equipment, auxiliary equipment, molds and tooling and innovation extras. These innovations will be brief and concise — we'll tell you what the product is, why it is new or innovative, how the user will benefit, and where can you learn more.
On the Factory Floor is a regular monthly feature where we'll tour a manufacturing facility and find out what state-of-the-art equipment is being used and how. Managing Editor Angie DeRosa traveled to Indiana to provide the story on Makuta Technics Inc. — a unique micro molder using some very impressive injection molding machines and customized auxiliaries to make tiny parts.
In Other Words, another regular feature, is a Q&A with an individual who has made a big impact on the industry. On the inside back page you'll find an interview with Robert Schad, founder of Husky and more recently Athena Automation Ltd.
See Checking in with SPI, for an update from the Society of the Plastics Industry.
Merle Snyder, Rob Neilley and Mikell Knights, our three plastics-savvy senior correspondents, all contributed to this issue and they will be with us regularly reporting on machinery developments in various segments of the industry including recycling, injection, extrusion, blow molding, molds and tooling and more.
Most of you are reading this issue in print, but you don't have to. PMM will also be available in a digital version. Beyond the digital edition PMM's website will go live Nov. 1. You may find a few things on the site that are not available in print, including the latest product innovations announced after the last print edition. Visit for the latest equipment news, where you can also see and subscribe to the digital edition.
Keep in mind, this is the first issue so the website today and the website three months from now will be very different. Our archives will build and eventually become more robust and useful.
And finally, we'd like to thank the numerous advertisers, partners and vendors who have helped us make this launch possible. Most importantly we'd like to thank our friends and family who have been especially supportive as we get PMM rolling. Thank you all.
Comments are welcomed. Please read on, and enjoy!
Tony Eagan, publisher and chairman