nTop4 helps designers refine parts

Aug. 22, 2023
Upgraded software adds new features to assist in creating complex geometries and highly engineered, production-quality parts.

nTop Users can employ this engineering design software to optimize the designs of parts that will be made from any manufacturing processes — including traditional and additive processes. The software is named for the company that made it — nTop, formerly known as nTopology — and designers of plastic and metal parts made by industrial additive manufacturing processes are the company’s primary users. 

What’s new? nTop4. The first major upgrade of the software, which originally was released in 2018, nTop4 has been available since May. New features include Field Optimization and Implicit Interop. With Field Optimization, users can focus on part requirements while the software automatically determines complex details such as lattices, wall thicknesses and rib patterns. Meanwhile, the Implicit Interop feature allows users to directly exchange nTop geometry in a compact file format. In addition to releasing the new features, nTop is offering a new add-on — nTop Automate, which enables users to scale their design generation processes with programmatic automation. 

Benefits The ability to create complex geometries and highly engineered, production-quality parts. With the software, part designers can fully exploit the design freedom that additive manufacturing offers. The new features allow users to produce parts that are lighter and more durable, and could open up new applications in thermomechanics, fluid flow, acoustics and electromagnetics. 

nTop Inc., New York, www.ntop.com 

About the Author

Karen Hanna | Senior Staff Reporter

Senior Staff Reporter Karen Hanna covers injection molding, molds and tooling, processors, workforce and other topics, and writes features including In Other Words and Problem Solved for Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing, Plastics Recycling and The Journal of Blow Molding. She has more than 15 years of experience in daily and magazine journalism.