Dual-laser option boosts metal 3-D printer's productivity

April 7, 2020
Shining 3D's EP-M250 Pro metal 3-D printer was designed with the creation of plastic injection molds in mind.

EP-M250 Pro This metal 3-D printer from Shining 3D uses advanced powder-bed fusion technology. It can print metal parts with complex structures and was developed with the creation of plastic injection molds in mind.

What’s new? This printer, which debuted in November at Formnext 2019.

Benefits Greater productivity. Optional dual lasers can increase the speed of builds. The printer's powder feeding and recycling systems decrease powder waste and cut operation costs. It can print with a wide variety of metals.

Shining 3D Technology Inc., San Francisco, 415-259-4787, www.shining3d.com

Vital Statistics
Build volume (inches)

10.3 by 10.3 by 13.8

Fiber laser 500 watts (dual-laser configuration optional)
Maximum scan speed 26.2 feet per second
Layer thickness (microns) 20 to 100
Materials Titanium alloy, aluminum alloy, nickel alloy, maraging steel, stainless steel, cobalt chrome, copper alloy