Employee recognition lags behind

March 4, 2024
"2024 Global Culture Report" highlights gaps in employers' treatment of workers.
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In an era when manufacturers are having trouble maintaining a fully staffed workforce, roughly one-third of workers say their company has failed to recognize them recently, or has recognized them in ways that make them feel uncomfortable.

The findings are part of the “2024 Global Culture Report,” released by O.C. Tanner, a firm that provides software and services that improve workplace culture.

Workforce experts agree that company culture is key to attracting and retainining workers, but the report’s findings suggest that some companies have a ways to go. For example, even though two-thirds of manufacturing workers say recognition is part of their company’s everyday culture, just 27 percent state they’ve been recognized at work within the past three months. And, when they get recognition, 39 percent of workers say that it comes in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable. Sixty-three percent of manufacturing workers say company leaders only recognize big efforts, but not their regular contributions.

“Showing regular recognition for efforts, results and career milestones is key for engaging and retaining your people” said Robert Ordever, European managing director for O.C. Tanner. “However, recognition must be done well, and this means giving it frequently and appreciating everyone across the organization, not just the high-fliers. It’s also key to understand how individuals want to be appreciated rather than using a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach that could leave some employees feeling awkward and embarrassed.”