Universal Robots official wins top robotics award

June 2, 2023
UR's Roberta Nelson Shea received the Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Award for her work to improve cobot safety at Automate 2023.

Universal Robots’ (UR) Global Technical Compliance Officer Roberta Nelson Shea was presented with the Joseph F. Engelberger Robotics Award for Applications at a ceremony at Automate 2023 in Detroit.

Nelson Shea is the second key figure from UR in the last five years to be awarded what is often described as the Nobel Prize of robotics. In 2018, UR co-founder Esben Østergaard won in the Technology category.

Nelson Shea has been a leader in the development of industrial robot safety standards in North America and around the world for more than 45 years, and led the introduction of ISO/TS 15066, which is the first document that defines standardized safety requirements for human-robot collaboration. The Application category recognizes individuals or organizations that have made a significant contribution to the development of robotics technology and its practical application.

“I am extremely honored to be receiving this award,” she said. “I see it as an acknowledgement of not just my own work, but also of Universal Robots’ and Teradyne’s commitment to safety. This award is a recognition of all who have contributed to robot safety over the years.”

Collaborative robot manufacturer UR is headquartered in Denmark.

Also receiving the Engelberger Award was Jeff Burnstein, president of the Association for Advancing Automation, profiled here.