precisionMixhead 8/12-2K-40 This KraussMaffei transfer mixing head for PU has achieved good results in testing by the company’s longtime partner, Grammer, which manufactures foam seats for tractors, forklifts and trucks. With it, Grammer was able to widen its typical production window, successfully dropping the mixing head’s series production material discharge rate from the usual 220 to 250 grams per second to as low as 60 grams and still maintaining homogeneity and uniformity. The performance underscores the importance of PU foaming system mixing heads, because components that aren’t added in the desired ratio or homogenized thoroughly can cause sticky spots to appear on the cured foam, or result in a foam that is too hard or too soft.
What’s new? The precisionMixhead 8/12-2K-40. Its outlet chamber, control piston and mixing chamber have been redesigned and can now be replaced if worn.
Benefits Better mixing quality. The mixing head’s weight has been reduced from 28.6 pounds to 22.9 pounds, which eases the burden for the robots that move the mixing head from mold to mold. In addition, the L-legs of the precisionMixhead 8/12-2K-40 have been reduced from their original sizes by 65 percent and 92 percent, respectively. Component design changes, such as a new, single-piece outlet chamber and control piston, save space and weight, and many changes have made maintenance tasks easier.
KraussMaffei Corp., Florence, Ky., 859-283-0200,
David Tillett | Associate Editor
Associate Editor David Tillett writes and edits for Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing, Plastics Recycling and The Journal of Blow Molding. He covers new products, industry news, patents and consumer and business equipment. He has more than 20 years of experience in daily newspaper, online and magazine journalism.