Omron boosts barcode readers' sensors, algorithms

June 25, 2021
The V410-H line can read smaller and damaged codes.

V410-H barcode readers The handheld barcode readers in this line from Omron are powerful, compact and can capture challenging codes. There are three models: the XD, the SR and the HC. An optional stand and presentation mode allow operators to scan parts or packages without touching the scanner.

What’s new? An improved imaging sensor and algorithms.

Benefits The ability to read small and damaged codes. The new, higher-resolution sensor can read small barcodes, while its algorithms can improve decoding speed, as well as read damaged codes. The SR model can read codes with a 20-mil bar width at a range of up to 44 inches; the XD has a shorter read range but can read codes down to a 4-mil bar width. The HC’s design minimizes crevasses and openings where dirt could collect, and can stand up to repeated application of disinfectants.

Omron Automation Americas, Hoffmann Estates, Ill., 847-843-7900,