Arburg portal facilitates maintenance

June 10, 2019
U.S. users of Arburg machines soon will be able to better manage their fleets via the company’s new customer portal, arburgXworld.
U.S. users of Arburg machines soon will be able to better manage their fleets via the company’s new customer portal, arburgXworld. Launched in Europe in March, the portal facilitates service requests, spare parts ordering and maintenance and will become available globally at K 2019 in October.

The portal consists of four apps: machine center, which offers a machine fleet overview; service center, to manage service tickets; shop, to order spare parts online; and calendar, which displays upcoming maintenance tasks. The cloud-based apps can be accessed by a PC or mobile device.

The purpose of arburgXworld is to provide customers with easy access to all relevant data about every Arburg machine they are operating, a company spokesperson said. The service is free to Arburg customers who own one or more Arburg injection molding machines.

The portal allows each company to register one or several master users who have access to all four portals. Those users can decide who at their company should have access to one or more of the apps. For example, companies likely would want machine operators to have access to the service app to create service tickets and purchasing officials to have access to the shop app to order parts.

The machine center app provides an overview of the customer’s fleet of machines and enables centralized access to production-relevant documents, including spare parts catalogs. The machine fleet information is sourced from the Arburg database, which is updated in real time so portal customers will have immediate access to the latest information. 

The service center app allows service tickets to be filed 24/7 from any mobile device that has access to arburgXworld. When Arburg receives the ticket, it will contact the customer for more information, which might include photos that can be sent through the app. The app displays open service tickets, the status of each ticket and the planned deployment of service technicians, which can be tracked on the app. All service app communications are automatically documented and become part of the machine’s service history. The purpose of the app is to save time, minimize machine downtime and target communications to those who have a need to know.

Designed to make it easy for customers to locate and order needed parts, the shop app features interactive navigation and 3-D previews of parts. The app provides price and availability information. It also keeps a record of all parts that are ordered in case repeat orders are needed.

Bruce Adams, senior staff reporter

[email protected]


Arburg Inc.  Rocky Hill, Conn., 860-667-6500,