All floor space has been sold for NPE2024, PLASTICS reports

May 22, 2023
More than 1 million square feet of space will accommodate exhibitors from 34 countries and an estimated 55,000 attendees.
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A record amount of floor space has been sold out a year prior to the start of NPE2024: The Plastics Show, according to an announcement from the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS). 

Back in March, PLASTICS said the space draw for NPE2024 sold a record 1,024,462 square feet of exhibit space, topping the previous record set by NPE2018. Exhibitors from 34 countries will be in attendance, and more than 55,000 attendees are expected. NPE2024 will run May 6-10, 2024, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. 

“More than 2,000 exhibitors will participate in NPE2024: The Plastics Show in Orlando,” said Matt Seaholm, president and CEO of PLASTICS. “Continued exhibitor enthusiasm reflects NPE’s importance to the global plastics industry. We are excited to showcase the latest advancements in plastic materials, manufacturing, recycling and processing — including innovations from more than 180 first-time NPE exhibitors.” 

“NPE is more than a trade show; it is a hands-on experience. It’s where professionals across every industry gather to witness leading-edge plastics innovation and technology while advancing their business, building partnerships, and unlocking new opportunities to build a more sustainable economy,” said Glenn Anderson, COO of PLASTICS. 

The latest advancements in products and services will be highlighted in six sold-out technology zones, including an Advanced Manufacturing Zone, Bottle Zone, Materials Science Zone, Moldmaking Zone, Recycling & Sustainability Zone and Packaging Zone. 

Registration will open Sept. 12. PLASTICS said companies still interested in exhibiting at NPE2024 can visit to add their name to the exhibitor waitlist, and if space becomes available, prospective exhibitors will be contacted in the order their request was received.