Alabama-based college adds Wittmann work cell

Feb. 7, 2023
Southern Union State Community College trains students on Industry 4.0-capable cell.
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Wittmann USA announced that Southern Union State Community College (SUSCC) has added a Wittmann work cell to the plastics training facility at its Opelika, Ala., campus.

The cell includes a SmartPower120 injection molding machine with an integrated robot, temperature control unit and drying unit. The college also has a separate Wittmann robot on a pedestal used for training. The cell is fully integrated to teach students about Industry 4.0 capabilities, and the IMM has an RJG interface.

In addition to training SUSCC students, the Wittmann work cell is also used by RJG, which has held training classes at the facility.

Wittmann has long supported plastics education throughout the U.S., and among other things, provides technical support to the college for machine operations.

“The Wittmann machinery runs extremely well, and we’ve had no issues with it at all,” said Bill Clifton, an instructor in plastic engineering technology at SUSCC.  “Not only does it run well, but it provides us with a great advantage, as it allows Wittmann to perform remote troubleshooting.  We have access codes for Wittmann technicians to do live look-ins to see how the machinery is operating.”