Briskheat opens facility in Costa Rica

Dec. 22, 2022
Plant will supply to the Americas heating solutions for a range of industries, including injection molding.
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Briskheat announced it has chosen Costa Rica as the site of its first Latin American operations, from which it will boost production for clients throughout the Americas.

BriskHeat’s high-volume facilities in other locations are near capacity, so this expansion will help the company grow and reduce delivery times. Over the next four weeks, the company will recruit 50 people; by the end of 2023, it expects to create 200 new jobs in Costa Rica.

 BriskHeat has more than 1,000 employees between its production facilities in the U.S. and Vietnam and sales centers in Asia and Europe.

Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, BriskHeat provides heating solutions for applications including flow and viscosity control, composite curing and temperature process control for injection molding and other industries.

About the Author

David Tillett | Associate Editor

Associate Editor David Tillett writes and edits for Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing, Plastics Recycling and The Journal of Blow Molding. He covers new products, industry news, patents and consumer and business equipment. He has more than 20 years of experience in daily newspaper, online and magazine journalism.