Sidebots designed for safe, fast operation

March 30, 2022
Wyzo can outstrip speeds of cobots while still working safely beside human workers.

Wyzo sidebot Wyzo, a spinoff company of Swiss robot supplier Demaurex SA, defines a sidebot as a robot meant to work near, but not necessarily interact with, human workers. Its Wyzo sidebot is a delta robot intended for repetitive high-speed pick-and-place tasks, as well as quality-control tasks, sorting and decoration. The Wyzo sidebot comes with gearless, oil-free motors and is designed without sharp edges and pinch points. It can work at high speeds without requiring safety gating, and when its sensors detect the approach of a human worker it slows to a safer speed. The Wyzo comes to a complete stop when it detects a collision.

What’s new? The Wyzo sidebot, which debuted in the U.S. last fall.

Benefits Adaptability. Its intuitive interface makes it quick and easy to program a variety of different tasks. The Wyzo can be moved with a pallet truck, and because it takes up about the same amount of surface area as a human worker, it can be easily integrated into existing production lines. It doesn’t need to be calibrated when it is moved because its software records data specific to each workstation. Depending on the required tasks, it can be paired with additional cameras and lighting systems to enable it to perform quality control functions. It is compatible with cleanroom use, and the company offers rental options.

Wyzo, Ecublens, Switzerland, 41 21 633 55 97,

Vital statistics

Picking speed

Up to 90 per minute


1.1 pounds; up to 2.2 pounds at reduced speed


4.84 square feet

Work envelope

2.8 feet in diameter by 1.2 feet high