Boy 2C XS injection unit makes its NPE debut

March 3, 2015
Boy 2C XS:  Based on the very compact Boy XS press, this 2C XS injection unit for a second component from Boy Machines has its own hydraulic drive and control. At NPE, a Boy25 E press equipped with a specially positioned 2C XS will produce marbleized serving dishes.

BOY 2C XS  Based on the very compact Boy XS press, this 2C XS injection unit for a second component from Boy Machines has its own hydraulic drive and control. At NPE, a Boy25 E press equipped with a specially positioned 2C XS will produce marbleized serving dishes.

WHAT'S NEW?  The 2C XS unit is making its NPE debut.

BENEFITS  Flexibility: The unit can be integrated into any injection molding machine. Depending on the application the component can be mounted in either a vertical or horizontal position directly on the mold of the main machine.

Boy Machines Inc., Exton, Pa., 610-363-9121,