VarioBore This boring head from Wohlhaupter has a range of 0.016 inch to 5.9 inches and is accurate to within 0.0001 inch. Capable of reaching speeds up to 30,000 revolutions per minute, it also provides outside turning capabilities from 0.079 inch to 2.283 inches, uses standard inserts and carbide bars, and offers internal coolant throughout the system. Wohlhaupter was acquired by Allied Machine & Engineering in September.
What's new? A docking port that makes the boring head compatible with Wohlhaupter's new 3E Tech Universal Digital Readout Module.
Benefits Versatility, productivity and scrap reduction. The boring head is compatible with industry-standard 16mm tooling, and when used in conjunction with the 3E Tech readout module, it allows the user to adjust the settings without removing the tool. Its micron-accurate settings also lower costs by minimizing the amount of material wasted.
Allied Machine & Engineering Corp., Dover, Ohio, 330-343-4283,