Diamond EN coating Strengthened by nano-sized diamond particles, Bales' new nickel coating can be used like a mold spray to protect the core and cavity of a mold in an injection molding machine. Bales' coatings provide longer protection over time than mold sprays, and they can be applied even after machines have been in service.
What's new? The coating, which was introduced at NPE and showcased during Amerimold.
Benefits Lubricity, even coverage and wear- and friction-resistance. The coating combines the corrosion resistance of nickel with the hardness of diamonds, which offer protection against abrasive materials. Unlike hard chrome, which also provides wear resistance, the nickel-diamond coating requires no electricity to apply. The coating gets deep into the ridges and grooves of the metal it covers, without building up on the edges.
Bales Metal Surface Solutions, Downers Grove, Ill., 630-852-4665, www.balesusa.com