Defects measured by new surface gauge

Feb. 15, 2017
The 4D InSpec surface gauge from 4D Technology is a hand-held, noncontact tool for measuring surface defects and features on plastic parts and machined surfaces with micron-level resolution. 

4D InSpec The 4D InSpec surface gauge from 4D Technology is a hand-held, noncontact tool for measuring surface defects and features on plastic parts and machined surfaces with micron-level resolution. 

What's new? The gauge, which debuted late last year.

Benefits Precise measurements and toughness. The gauge can detect and measure defects between 0.1 and 100 mils deep on a variety of part geometries, and because it is unaffected by vibration, the 4D InSpec can be used on the factory floor and in other industrial environments where alternatives, like nanoscale surface metrology systems, can't function.

4D Technology, Tucson, Ariz., 520-294-5600,