New amplifier, fiber optics pair up to detect parts and movement

April 16, 2016
Carlo Gavazzi's FUT and FUR fiber optic cables can be used with its amplifier in a wide variety of applications.

FA1 amplifier/Fiber Optic Cables Carlo Gavazzi's FUT and FUR fiber optic cables can be used with its amplifier in a wide variety of applications. The cables plug into the amplifier and are mounted to a machine, where an LED is used to sense movement. Together, they can be used to detect small parts coming out of a machine. The reflectivity of the materials being detected determines which cable is needed.

What's new? The amplifier and cables, which debuted during the last few months.

Benefits Compact, intuitive, flexible design.

Carlo Gavazzi, Buffalo Grove, Ill., 847-465-6100,