New delivery system enhances Dukane laser welding unit

April 1, 2016
Dukane's new laser welding system allows clear-to-clear plastic welding without laser-absorbing additives.

Laser welding system Dukane's new laser welding system allows clear-to-clear plastic welding without laser-absorbing additives. It comes with proprietary LaserLinQ software, which is designed to allow users to break down complex weld patterns into discrete geometric segments, modify each segment independently and assign different welding patterns to each segment. To provide users with live weld previews and the ability to directly monitor and record welding cycles, the system also comes with a closed-circuit television camera. 

What's new? A 2-micron laser and a new beam-delivery system. 

Benefits Better welds and highly controlled melting through the thickness of clear parts. With its new beam-delivery system, the action of components moving the beam are better integrated, creating a highly precise and controllable laser line.

Dukane Corp., St. Charles, Ill., 630-584-2300,