Melt filtration unit debuts

March 21, 2016
ADG Solutions' new Continuous Filter Operation (CFO) melt filtration unit for extrusion is suited for highly contaminated reclaimed plastics.

CFO system ADG Solutions' new Continuous Filter Operation (CFO) melt filtration unit for extrusion is suited for highly contaminated reclaimed plastics. A rotating blade sweeps the screen plate and removes contamination through a discharge port when waste builds up and back pressure reaches a preset level. It also can operate in continuous wiping mode when processing extremely contaminated material. Three models with different screen diameters allow throughputs of 2,000, 3,500 and 6,000 pounds per hour. Shown is the midsize model, the CFO-20.

What's new? The unit and where it's made. ADG, which makes the product in Atlanta, says that U.S. production — unique for this type of product — yields improved delivery times, service support and availability of parts.

Benefits Cost-effective operation and a quick return on investment. The screen can last from one to two weeks, depending on the level of contamination. Also, less than 1 pound of resin is used for each purge; in continuous wiping mode, material lost in purging is less than 0.4 percent. 

ADG Solutions, Fairfield, Conn., 203-255-9444,