Kasko receivers Moretto SpA, Massanzago, Italy, introduced receivers for centralized material conveying systems at Fakuma. Compatible with Moretto's One Wire 6 management system, the receivers are suitable for pellets, flakes, powder, talc and even very hot materials. The compact, stainless-steel design integrates the control inside the unit, so there are no exposed electrical cables. The vacuum pipe can be oriented in eight positions for optimal installation.
What's new? The Krono sensor component, which allows the receiver to adapt to actual conditions while it's working.
Benefits Increased productivity. A vortex effect facilitates the flow of resin inside the receiver, while a large discharge valve yields fast filling and unloading times. Throughput is 30 percent greater than competing products, according to Moretto.
Moretto USA LLC, Columbus, Ohio, 614-541-9696, www.moretto.com/en/