Dashboards 5ME has upgraded its Freedom eLog software, which automatically collects manufacturing data to create Web-based reports on asset utilization, machine performance, quality and overall equipment effectiveness. The software helps identify bottlenecks and inefficiencies.
What's new? The Dashboards feature, which allows users to create a one-screen view of machine performance data. It combines multiple graphics, called dashlets, into a single view based on job functions such as maintenance, production and cell supervision. Each dashlet can be set up for a single machine, a cell or a mix of various machines on the shop floor. The fully customizable software allows users to create their dashboard size and design and determine data criteria. Each dashboard can be edited, deleted or printed out for long-term record keeping. The machine status dashlet displays the current state of a machine or machine grouping.
Benefits Ease of use and ability to optimize manufacturing. Users can access data at any time via smartphone or tablet.
5ME LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio, 513-719-1600, www.5me.com