In-line liquid color mixer This patented mixer for plastic pulverizers was developed by Reduction Engineering Scheer in partnership with PolyOne ColorMatrix and introduced at Rotoplas.
What's new? Latent heat created during pulverizing is used for dispersion and adhesion of colorant to the particles. Hot powder discharged by a chute at the end of the pulverizer mixes with a liquid pigment solution via a high intensity screw. The hot powder evaporates the liquid. The system uses a ColorMatrix controller and pump technology. Both color concentration and addition rates can be adjusted during mixing to ensure constant, consistent mixing.
Benefits Greater production flexibility and improved physical properties of rotational grade resins in short or long runs compared with batch mixing, for parts with higher impact strength, better dispersion and less electrostatic charge. The ability to create small batches easily, with no need for a mixing room along with shorter cleanout and changeover times, makes the mixer cost effective for small runs.
Reduction Engineering Scheer, Kent, Ohio, 330-677-2225,