Do we need standards for recyclable bales? PMM Commentary

Feb. 8, 2024
Transparency would be beneficial, but could also discourage brand owners from using PCR. Hear more in our new podcast episode.

Every recycler has horror stories about contaminated bales of recyclable materials, and knowing what's in a bale is essential to meet standards for recycled pellets or flake. Transparency in the marketplace would benefit everyone, but there are problems with the model that might actually discourage use of PCR, according to one industry expert. Editor Ron Shinn details the issues in this episode of PMM Insight.

About the Author

Ron Shinn | Editor

Editor Ron Shinn is a co-founder of Plastics Machinery & Manufacturing and has been covering the plastics industry for more than 35 years. He leads the editorial team, directs coverage and sets the editorial calendar. He also writes features, including the Talking Points column and On the Factory Floor, and covers recycling and sustainability for PMM and Plastics Recycling.