FGH Systems Inc., Denville, N.J., has expanded its extrusion blow mold manufacturing, officials announced during the Society of Plastics Engineers' Blow Molding Conference, held Oct. 6-7 in Chicago.
The expansion, completed in October, was multi-faceted. The firm added three new state-of-the-art high-speed CNC multi-axis machines with super speed cutting and now can cut long-stroke shuttle blow molds up to 1600mm in size, said President Eric Hohmann. FGH can produce single-cavity molds up through high cavitation, long-stroke shuttle blow molds. Upgrades to its engineering and CNC departments include the latest CAD and CAM software systems.
It now as a total of 10 Uniloy B&W extrusion blow shuttle lab machines for product development, prototype and sampling, up from seven.
As part of its overall expansion, FGH also added six employees, some of whom are in the mold shop and the others in product development and the machine service department. It previously had 16 workers.
Hohmann said the company needed to be able to increase blow molding capabilities and to manufacture larger extrusion blow molds. FGH purchased the machines over the summer and just started them in October.
In addition to mold making, FGH represents Uniloy Milacron, Ossberger GmbH & Co., Aoki Technical Laboratory Inc., and Eisbär Trockentechnik GmbH.